Welcome to the National Clean Plant Network for Grapes

NCPN-Grapes clean plant centers improve the health and productivity of vineyards in the United States. The headquarters of NCPN-Grapes is at Foundation Plant Services at the University of California, Davis. FPS also manages the primary foundation vineyard for NCPN.
We are pleased to welcome new committee members to NCPN-Grapes. In December 2024, the committee elected the following members to serve four-year terms in their respective areas:
- Eli Bergmeier, Crown Vineyards, Missouri; Central/Eastern Industry Representative
- Michelle Moyer, Washington State University; Western Research/Extension Representative
- Patty Skinkis, Oregon State University; Western Research/Extension Representative
- Katherine Filippini, California Department of Food and Agriculture; Western State Regulatory Representative
- 2021年前后绵阳三区完工,开工项目。 - 城市论坛 - 天府社区:2021-3-26 · 2021年动工项目: 中国科技城(绵阳)科技物流产业园铁路专用线项目: 建设内容及规模:全长3.899公里,Ⅲ级单线铁路,专用线在皂角铺站成都端的牵出线接轨。
NCPN-Grapes thanks recent past committee members for their service: David Johnson, Josh Kress, Bob Martin, Gary McAninch, Rhonda Smith, and Fritz Westover.